Rural Therapists Are no longer alone

Amplifying the voices in the wilderness

RuReSA strives to be a voice for rural therapists

We are your voice when you need support
We are your voice when policies are changed
You are part of the resonating voice of rural rehabilitation

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Our Latest Offerings

Community Disability Workers Library
Online resources for grassroots workers
Useful resources

Tools and information to help you with everyday duties

Upcoming events

Slot this in your calendar! 
What to look forward to in the next few months

Who are we?

Rural Rehab South Africa (RuReSA), is a multidisciplinary organisation of professionals committed to providing and improving rehabilitation services in rural communities.

We are passionate about creating positive change through rehabilitation which will:

  • Prevent disability,
  • Empower the disabled through early intervention,
  • Promote healthy and active lifestyles after disability,
  • Enable the disabled to participate fully within their communities, thereby fulfilling the Government goal of, "a long and healthy life for all South Africans."

1 therapist per 750 people
with disabilities,
​even less in rural areas

We're changing that


Be the Change

Why Rural?

Nationally there is approx. 1 therapist per 750 disabled individuals. Most of these therapists are lost to the Private Sector.
Therefore, the prevalence of disability is higher in rural areas due to:
Immense poverty,
Poor access to all health services,
Lack of resources for both the disabled and the therapists.
Statistics from Census 2011, Dept of Social Development 2013, and Human Resources Strategy for the Health Sector 2012-2017.

In the bush

Rural therapists have the most fun! 
Watch this video to gain insight on the adventures rural therapists have (in and out of work)!